1. Whistling trail transitioning to a neon orange with blue peony burst 2. Whistle transitioning to brocade crown exploding into time rain 3. Whistle transforming to a gold willow and brocade crown with white strobe tips 4. Whistle transitioning to a gold willow then turning to gold rain with red lace 5. Whistle leading to a red wave 6. Green palm tree with yellow lace bursts 7. Brocade crown cascading to green tips enshrouded in color falling leaves 8. Glittering gold rain with a purple pistil of hissing palm tails 9. Red palm tail rising to a brocade crown with white strobe 10. Green palm tail ascending to a gold willow and green tips with green strobes 11. Red palm tail climbing to a brocade and gold willow with red strobes 12. Red, white, and blue peony