Sale price$168.00
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Title: BIGGER THAN YOURS BY SW(1/3) (Case)

Performance: row 1 and 2 each 2s shot by shot, brocade tail blue dahlia red plum, brocade tail blue dahlia green strobe , row 3 and 4 shoot by burst, blue mine blast blue dahlia Shot:24 shots * 3 pcs Each PYRO JUNKIE Birmingham PYRO JUNKIE SW-C2017 695071593843 26.00000 56.16000 0.00000 168.00000
AERIAL REPEATER 500 GRAMS SW-C2146 PARIS/LONDON/NEWYORK WORLD TOUR FIN (1/3) Performance:25 shots A C:brocade tail to brocade crown with white strobe,brocade tail to red dahlia with white strobe,brocade tial to gold crown with green strobe,brocade tail to silver chry. 12 shots B:red wave with white strobe, green wave with white strobe, purple wave with white strobe. Shot: 62 shots